Week Five Small Group Discussion

Group Tip Of The Week

There are likely members of your group who are facing tough situations. Consider taking time as a group to share prayer requests for things you are facing, and take the time to pray for one another.

For more serious situations, please refer to our Care Guide found on our Small Groups website for good next step options.

Reflection Questions

• Think back to a dark season of life in your past. Can you now see how God was faithful in bringing you through it? What did He teach you and impart in you?

• If you were to enter another painful season of life, how might you approach it differently today?

• Where in my life am I currently experiencing, or have I experienced loneliness?

• How can I become more aware of God’s Presence on a daily basis?

• If I am noticing long patterns of loneliness, how is God calling me to partner with Him to engage in Christian community or pursue healing from past hurts?

• As you go through your hard times and difficult situations, take time to evaluate your heart. Do your actions reflect a godly character?

• Are you exhibiting His love even when things are tough? Ask God to continue to transform you by His Spirit to remain faithful in the darkness.

• Think back over situations when you were wronged and responded out of anger or pain. What were the consequences of an inappropriate response?

• Are you currently facing a situation that calls for one of the responses on Day 4? Take time right now to ask God what He would have you do.

• When you go through trials or hard times, where do you go for help?

• Talk about your “Ebenezers” and the promises that you hold on to. Do you have any questions about the love of Jesus for you personally?
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