Week 2, Day 1

Things Beyond Our Control

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you...”  (Jeremiah 1:5)

The older I get, the more at peace I am with things that are beyond my control. In fact, I almost prefer it that way. Those are the situations that, for me, are easier to completely trust God with the outcome. If it’s out of my control, I can’t mess it up!

So much of our childhood falls into that category. We didn’t choose our parents, our birthdate, where we would grow up, our living conditions, siblings, etc. And yet, God knew it and planned it all long before we were ever born.

We don’t usually have the maturity level to see God at work when we are young, but it can be a very meaningful and fruitful exercise to revisit our past - the good and the bad - with fresh perspective when we are older. That’s what this week is all about. We are going to read about Joseph’s childhood and use that as a launching pad to revisit ours. I hope that your faith will be encouraged as you see how God was at work in your past - all to prepare you for the destiny He has for you.

Week 2 Reading
Genesis 37 

Prayer Focus for the Week
Ask God to allow you to see your past from His perspective

Reflection Questions

• How did God use the things that were out of your control in your childhood to mold and shape you?

• What did God deposit in and through your early years that is now bearing fruit in your life and ministry?
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Andrew O'Neal - September 10th, 2023 at 10:31am

I absolutely love this story, very impactful and very easy to understand.

Crystal - September 10th, 2023 at 11:36am

Thank you for sharing these devotions. I've been looking for a new bible study, and I'm being blessed by these. :)

Polly mcgraw - September 10th, 2023 at 11:38am

Absolutely enjoying the story of Joseph makes me want to write down all i can remember of my past to see what Jesus done for me as a child thank you

Beth Adams - September 11th, 2023 at 12:04pm

My life scripture is Roman's 8:28. I lived many years victimized by my past. Even though I became in Christ at the age of 19, my childhood trauma littered my adult life with a path of self destruction. I can see how the Lord took what the enemy meant for my harm and used it for my good and His glory!

Shirley Davis - September 12th, 2023 at 7:04am

I never imagined why my mind and heart were drawn to learning Spanish when I was in the 7th grade!!.... just a teacher who said she would teach Spanish BEFORE SCHOOL at 7:00 every day.... in NEWFOUNDLAND!! I loved it from the moment I started learning vocabulary words and never gave it up throughout my high school years....fast forward to our daughter going to Costa Rica on the mission field for 3 years where she met her husband-to-be PAULO!! Not to mention how much I have used my Spanish on mission trips to Honduras and even here at The Storehouse where we minister to so many Hispanics.....I know that God has woven the tapestry of my life.... and He is still at work!!